Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: the uniquesness and great flow Testing?: yes i think this contest should be on the front page everytime theres a...
yeah if you post fat kid maps here your not gonna get anywhere. people download maps that are creative and new. anyone can make a fat kid map. you...
[IMG] umm everything is good here. merging and stuff looks clean buttt exept for that wall double. it looks bad how its half in half out. maybe...
I also believe that anyone that thinks it takes 5 minutes to make is an ignorant retard. but what i like about foundry is to also so the creative...
i like how in the gambit ones the cards actually look like they're coming at you
Well the same way you posted this thread is how you can post map threads. go to the maps forum and at the bottom click start new thread. put your...
im guessing this mapp toook reaaaalllly long to make. i see a grave. and a mini house thing. couldn't you have added more than that with all the...
it looks like you took a picture and added words to it. maybe you didnt do tyhat but it looks that way
im not saying all non DLC maps arent good. cat & mouse is a really good one. but i think most play the same as the regular map. now wouldn't it...
lately alot of people have been making Pre-DLC maps. im not sure why but what do you think about forged maps on Pre-DLC maps. do you think they're...
looks like a pretty damm coool shirt. Are those the colors?
yeah i didnt know what to fill the space up with so i just left it and tried to make it look better. i just got gimp today so i was trying a few...
looks pretty good. merging is clean. geomerging is straight. what does inverse symmetrical mean. maybe you should add a few more weapons. because...
[IMG] what do you think?
working on a large symmetrical map. at the testing stage now. expect it sometime in january. [IMG]
is it just me or does the girl seem a little blurry? anyway i actually like the blankness i think it makes it look better. also the light looks...
i got guitar hero 4, an aesome jacket, 2 hoodies, a sexy hat, and like 150$$$ in abercrombie gift cards =]
i think 2 was the best because of the cool effect =]
did anyone notice that like there is a bunch of forgehub featured maps, forghub gametypes, and forgers from forgehub's pictures were all on like...
[IMG] Assembly: Assembly was originally planned to be in the Heroic Map Pack, then the Legendary Map Pack, but was replaced due to the fear that...