Man great job, using the materials you were given you made a great map. I will for sure DL and play games on this unbelievable! All I can say man...
Hey Im so glad you put up a preview for this amazing game. I had so much fun playing even though I was barely paying attention. Well anyway great...
If you had read the post it states that players are allowed to use the crashed ship for various needs if they want. One being able to run acrosss...
Name it Constitution more detail would help but thats what I could come up with from what you old me.
Wow man, you finally posted this. After putting me through so much pain and unpatientness its finally here. Im glad you posted this for multiple...
Sorry man, I never officially congradulated you on your FHF with Gallium. Congrats map its an amazing map!
I sorry Zow idk
[IMG] _______________________________________________________________________________ Supported Gametypes: -Team Slayer -Capture the Flag...
Hey Inferi, just wanted to know how those boarders were coming
God everyone didnt have to be so mean to me. I was simply explaining a story that had happened. My bad I dont want to ruin the minds of the youth...
Im going with tonight just to be safe
Hey man, you posted it! I can remember playing this map and just being in awe the whole time because of that waterfall. Man this was a great map...
Team Animus hacked our server and wont let you change and save pictures as an avatar and signatures, sorry man
No problem I really hope you like it. I want it to look the best it can while reflecting on your maps! I cant get back on right now though, so Ill...
Go fix it then, just delete the space;)
Hey dude, I cant believe you posted this map. I just remember help play test this map a few days ago and becoming speechless after I saw it. Great...
Hey, if you ever want to talk add me on Xbox.
I was once shooting this random guy because he took my beloved sniper. Note* dont take my Sniper from me... Anyways I was shooting him until his...
Congrats on your rank dude. Being a TG Host is sick and I hope you enjoy every minute of it! :)