Not that popular? Then why was it in FHF?
Yeah, it's still a little open, maybe a bit more than I wanted, but the centerpiece where the GL spawns cuts off almost every overly long LoS, and...
I've never seen xzamples as an asshole, I think he and 4shot both mean well. (Usually, in 4shot's case.) But 4shot could be a little nicer if he...
I got that map I showed you posted already. Check it out. It's called Turbine.
Will a mod please lock this? Double post.
Turbine A crafty gem by S0uthernNumber1 Turbine is a 1v1 Slayer map, but is also set up for 2v2 It is assymetrical, but weapons are even....
Oh. (walks away in shame)
There you go. That's much better. The walls are cleaner, the aesthetics are great, and the inside looks better. Nice improvements, and I love the...
Another great Hydrolysis map. This guy is good. I love this one, and the tree is perfect. Oh, Dl'ed and Nom'd.
Hey, invite me.
I give it a thank-you-for-finally-posting-a-map-like-this out of a holy-crap-those-jumps-are-awesome. (I used to ride BMX.) This is great.
Hey, how do you put pictures in your profile background?
Yeah, I can't right now, maybe around 2:15ish. Little bro's on right now.
I like to see curves too. Not just in Reach, if you know what I mean. All joking aside, this is definitely one of the cleanest maps I've seen in a...
Oh, and please cut back on the building blocks. If you would use a better looking alternative, the map would be so much better.
This, and a little thing that bugged me. The whole map looks pretty nice, but the Oddball spawn kind of bothers me. That's just a personal...