Well, oddly enough, the GT SouthernNumber1 was taken, so I replaced the o with a 0. I'm from Houston, that explains the S0uthern. Also, I played...
The worst thing that happened to me was I was tunnel camping in sword base, because my friend was a zombie and it pisses him off. The guy next to...
Some dude stole the cave from Hellbent... I reported it.
---------- I forgot about this map! Definite second, I loved it when it came out. Flag was very fun. Incorporated things from a map that wasn't...
Congratulations sir, you gets a best aesthetic nomination. And a cookie. This is definitely something nobody else would have thought of, and it...
I like the update idea. It's simple, shouldn't have any framerate issues, and looks clean and goes with the map. It's highly effective, and a...
^This. It's a shame though, I thought the part of the map he did make was actually pretty good.
It technically did not say that. I'll remove it. Nvm.
If you made this an Invasion gametype, please show where the objectives are. I'd like to see how you used Invasion for this. Also, try making...
About damn time this got featured. The only thing I could find wrong with this map was that it left out the first phase. If you could fix that,...
Please explain the gametype. Is it mimicking the playstyle of the actual game, or is it just the map? Also, what happens when Zombies get in the...
Sorry for getting back to you late, I was gone for New Year's. Thanks for the feedback though, it's appreciated, and I have almost fixed the cover...
Cool story bro. Here's what I see from the 1 picture of the map. You used a lot of prefab buildings, you made a pointless loop that for whatever...
Until I saw that there were tunnels going under the map, I was going to say it was too open. Also, it looks like an MLG map.
I've seen a map like this, with things changing a lot to support different gametypes. Like one was a grifball to race track, and I've always liked...
It does look a little cramped, and if the roof is z-fighting, fix it. Also, if you want a better overview, remove the roof when you take the...
Other than the rocks looking a little sloppy here, you did what Shikarix said pretty well. I'll DL, and like it when I do.
I loved Delfino Square like a fat kid likes cake. Thank you for this. Oh, and when you put put InfiniteSpecOps in the credits, I read it as...
Sigh. This makes me want to facepalm. So from the overview, it seems like it'd be a BTB map. Kind of open, maybe there's some vehicles. That'd...
If the rockets aren't being pushed too much, it could be 1 of 3 things: 1. You're playing with people who have no clue about the map 2. The lack...