Hey guys, S0uthernNumber1 here, obviously. I have another 1v1 map, Docking Bay. Some of you may have it in the preview, but there have been big...
Seen it, tell all the people how small it makes Forge World look.
I made a dock map for 1v1, totally opposite end of the spectrum, but one thing I noticed. It seems like after Phase 1, that whole area is...
Looks like there'd be framerate issues with all the glass, you could fix that if it's a problem. Also, remove at least one of the power weapons if...
You realize why this is the only map to span Forge World? It's not good. It's been tried by many, but the budget just doesn't allow, and Forge...
Do CS on Rorak, and ONLY talk about the pony in his picture, because ponies are cool.
I just imaginary facepalmed so hard my hand exploded. You steal his map, everybody knows, including him, and then you say he's the co-creator and...
I have to question the shield door in the cave and the grav hammer. Other than that and some parts being a bit open between structures, it's a...
It looks great, but if you need help, why didn't you make a map preview?
Welcome to Forgehub. Now GTFO out of the Coliseum. Some weird lighting up in there. The map does look a bit bumpy.
No, those are soft killed. I checked them. And CPU trait? My brain is Derp. Please is explain.
Hey, I made some changes to your version. I mainly just used some extra cash for out of map aesthetics, a ship by red base and docks by blue. I'll...
The bottom hall is new. I'll look at it in a minute.
When pieces go invisible or some **** 10 year joins and shoots you another planet with a grid. Makes me wish I was a fire-breathing Nyan Cat.
Post pics, you know how to do that, right?
[IMG] I just couldn't use words to describe how sexy that tower is. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wipe the rainbow vomit off my keyboard.
Hey guys, this is (obviously) Southern. I'm actually doing a preview this time, for a 1v1 map made by me and GrimCreepr. Docking Bay started out...
Well, the top area by the street seemed like a good place to cut down on blocks, but it's a good remake of something that's never been done before.
Ok, so I can't work now, but here are my planned revisions. 1. Remove the back of the lower hallway and create another room/hall. 2. Add a ramp to...
Now please have Tebow Time with the Brady Bunch, so the TEXANS CAN KICK YOUR ASSES. Edited by merge: jj watt ftw.