On the rare occasion that I play against an asshole who is a general, I just make sure to give them my best teabags and a few friendly messages...
Both of them are funny, and for unstaged pictures, well done. The first one actually made me laugh. I'm wondering, though, how did the Chieftain...
Honestly, it isn't funny. The idea is overused and immature; even the ones that pull it off aren't very funny. 1/5 for unoriginal idea, bland,...
For a remake, that is actually pretty funny. Well done, 4/5.
I can appreciate that you want to get a ruin-sy feel to it, but even the best maps without interlocking have a tendency to be bumpy and eat...
Yeah, an overview would be a big help. This looks like it has a nice combination of speed and jumps, and I can't wait to try out that tiny bit of...
This'll be a nice distraction this summer. It looks like it'll really require a good deal of driving skill to complete a full run. I'll be DLing...
I loved playing on The Last Day, I'm going to flip out waiting to get a refurb back from Micro$oft so that I can DL this. The level of thought and...
As other people have mentioned, making the map a complete circuit would add to the linear aspect of the gameplay. Additionally, consider adding...
Yeah, the new achievements made it buggy. The only way to keep it is to have the original 49. Incidentally, I'm still missing Two-for-One (I've...
I'm just hoping that Longshore will be at least mildly similar to Relic; that was such an awesome map. I really miss playing Land Grab on it....
It looks like it'll be permanent. Thankfully, because I've got my RRoD'd 360 in for repairs right now. And with the 0 exp, it should be free of...
No. We hear enough whining about Elites as it is, despite the fact that they have the same hitbox as Spartans. With two nonhuman races, the...
Well, judging from the description, pictures and comment from someone who tested it, it looks like this map is completely cheat-proof. That alone...
This map is simply beautiful. This is a certain download for me once I get my 360 back. (Even if I have to make a balanced gametype for it..)...
This is one of the most accurate remakes I've seen. Two suggestions, though: Find a way to make the window repair/destruction system work, and...
Well, it is a nice variant on the Drive or Die staple, and if the 'thunder' is loud enough to reach the surface, that is a big plus. The theme is...
The concept seems to be pulled off well, and the vent system is a very nice touch. Judging by the video, gameplay flows smoothly as well. And then...
Wow, that was a good laugh. Nice job, that was a really cool idea for a picture set. And with this closer look, I've gotta say that these marines...
Actually, I didn't use Nova for any of them. As I recall, Apparation was on Avalanche using Juicy and Gloomy, several regenerators, and a very...