While the idea is a bit cliched, the concept is implemented well, unlike many of it's brethren. The map looks relatively smooth, and the...
Hah, I love the adaption from that show! I'd sign up, but I'm still unsure of when my 360 will return... Sooo, once I get it back, I might be...
I've just got one tip: When you first drive onto the ice path, do not, under any circumstances, move your ghost to the right of the small icy...
It has been pretty extensively stated that she is a member of ONI who diverted their team of ODSTs to help defend an ONI installation in New...
Actually, I believe that Citadel was at some point confirmed to be at least loosely modeled after the towers in the campaign mission The Covenant.
I see two potential problems with this: First, that the zombie may either be not playing, or may decide to be a jerk and not go through the...
Honestly, I love the concept, and the randomness seems to help the map, rather than ruining it. I also like the idea for the custom gametype, that...
Pay attention to the Bungie/E3 coverage. She (Dare = her name) is a member of ONI (The Office of Naval Intelligence) who redirects the ODST team...
Have you played Land Grab in Halo 2? It is pretty much the same concept. Basically, the territories are set up in a linear pattern; you have to...
Yes, Firefight is a survival mode. I've already got ODST preordered. Stop complaining about how it shouldn't be priced as a full game, because...
First of all: Aesthetics won't save a bad map. Good maps don't need to be beautiful. This is a good minigame; therefore, it doesn't need to be...
This seems surprisingly well executed, certainly better than another attempt at this that was posted a few days ago... A clarification of the...
Oh, wow, I'm remembering that room on Halo with nothing but bloodstains and that one marine that is ****nuts crazy from seeing the Flood. Creepy....
I'm willing to pay $60 for a good sized campaign from the time period of the best Halo game, when it comes packaged with a survival mode and three...
Yeah, giving us actual working machinery-operated doors, gates, etc. would be really great. What would be even better is if we could actually...
What?! Midship was great! That was one of the best maps in Halo 2! I'm sure as hell not an MLGer, either. Just look at my playlist history......
I'm just hoping that Reach will come with a real map editor. I'm talking about an actual map editor, like RTS style, not this timid item changer....
What I love most about the announcement is how the people who dodn't believe it don't even bother to factcheck. It is on B.net, and was announced...
While I'm tempted to label this as another camping map, I really can't. It seems as though you actually spent quite a bit of time creating...
Not only does the creator show questionable taste in terms of the setting of the map, but he doesn't even make a good map. Another fat kid hiding...