SSX: EPIC Wingsuit Shortcut (Code Blue 0:49.06) - YouTube Come at me BRO.. my record is 49.93 or something like that. Good luck beating that!
I actually plan on buying this i was going to gauge how many other people were going to get it because face a good co-op game is only as good as...
what do you guys think END GAME will be. I really hope end game = 2142
And play SSX while you do it. Best soundtrack ever and Great game.
When the next patch/DLC comes out we should all get together. Personally im just waiting for new DLC and ill be back. till then SSX.
Yeah i just beat the challenge the other day. Just play Zoe in explore mode and buy a beter board and it will be cake. Its just hard if u were...
You'd be surprised how awesome it is. I got cosimic rick who plays with me and his ghost is always on the track so i kinda feel like he's there....
Favorite Cowboy Bebop Episode GO!!!!! mine hands down not a second thought about it is Ganymede Elegy It invokes so many feelings inside me...
Finally the first GOOD SSX game to come out on XBOX since 10/20/03 is here. SSX the reboot of the franchise really delivers. With the addition of...
yeah im waiting for new DLC or that patch update. till then Dungeon Defenders...
lol im just hating on positions that were cycled out years ago for good reason and brought back for no apparent reason.
Dungeon Defenders on Steam... add me if you want to live...
the shards dlc complete package its 12.99
damn that sucks.. go buy some really inexpensive graphics card. my girls graphics card is 5 years old and it works. Otherwise i run it on low...
PC version of Dungeon Defenders is 2.99 on Amazon!!!
Im surprised no one here is mentioning Rahxephon. that truly is one of the best animes i have ever seen. Really pushing for more people to see it....
So The barbarian and and New assault missions are out on steam. But the real new is the The console version is getting a huge patch with the...
Yeah Lain is very slow its a very mental anime very much like Bogiebob phantom and Paranoia Agent the later being excellent as well because it is...
My favorite anime series in no particular order: FLCL (FOOOLY COOLY) just watch it Rahxephon (a better neo genesis evangelion)(u can understand...