GoO - Leptir1 - Mining Bros. -
I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. ive put in 180hrs into bf3 i havnt played in say... 4-5 months but i still love the game.... hmm 40 for new maps or 65...
You have to wire it now cheese. I saw It the other day and it is super sweet
[IMG] [IMG] Alittle something i made. If you like Off track pig race betting.
That looks amazing. Im really feeling the overall look of it. its almsot like a grifball court.
Just build it in creative get MCedit save as a schematic and then you can just add in anywhere. p.s. new server picture!! Can you find my snow...
they are probably gonna start seling skins as DLC... you know skins the thing u can make for free on PC. they should atleast sell a skin editor...
looks really good but then again when you use shaders everything looks good. yeah id join but i dont want to have 2 mega projects i already have...
I will neither confirm or deny the existence of this area on any servers... but i may/may not need testers for this down the line
[IMG] Just a picture of me finally digging out the space i need for my redstone wiring 1 system down 15 to go :) its goint to be a fully...
basically what waterfall said your only limited by your imagination. and when u learn the finer points of redstone you can do thing you cant even...
dlc... for minecraft is an update on PC. if they released DLC at all and it was already in the PC version. People would riot so i dont think they...
Type in Glacier into map seed seed you'll be happy when u find it
I just cant convince myself to buy it for xbox. My crappy computer runs minecraft perfectly fine. I just dont think i could go back to looking at...
so the worlds are soo small it takes 3 minutes to walk to the broder of the world, which mean invisible wall. probably mean its a 1000x1000 world...
yeah i play every now and then add me on skype Vicious_Vice best way to contact me. Im mostly playin Minecraft with my boys over at the GHost of ONyx
died first night on hardcore server... maybe next month any other suggestions
hmm hardcore server sounds like a challenge i may have to try that out.
Ive been MCing liek crazy for te last 2 month. I forgot how much fun this game in.... my xbox is gathering dust... where does everyony play these...
minecraft on xbox 360. we know its not going to be 1.2.4... but how fat behind are they. 8 player single player world servers (or whatever u...