I dont think you can really consider TF2 on xbox even TF2... but if you do then TF2 on PC is really TF4?
So I sadly couldn't get a server for us to use... but the show must go on. Not sure what RST has planned but Cheeze and myself will be hopping on...
all i hope is that they redo the driving physics. PLEEEASSE. I dont llike feeling like im driving on gravel unless im in a high end sports car.
Also i know a server we could probably use. If this is going through i can make this happen let me know???
I'd join for sure.
All im missing now is a graphics card upgrade im using an old HD 6670 and im looking to upgrade to a gtx 660 - 680. and the price difference is...
My recent bought list. Current total something around $800-900 Cooler Master Storm Enforcer Gaming Mid Tower OCZ modXstream pro 700w Modular...
Robot Zombie - YouTube This video > any other dayZ video Why? Because its all other dayZ videos in one... robot chicken style.
justxrippedn1ck - It's raining it's pouring.... justxrippedn1ck - it's raining part 2... It's videos like these that show some Day Z at its most...
I got the Dota2 Beta. So i will be attempting to use my LoL skills, very low skills, to that game. I've heard good things and im pretty sure if i...
I can confirm this. Oh look a cookie!
The guy who mad the dayzmod was already working for Bohemia Interactive. Thanks to him making the mod and it blowing up into the current iteration...
i use my xbox controller for certain pc games.. there is no difference to me except the money i save on games.
SVD It doesnt have a rangefinder its scope helps you range by using height as a distance and there are chevrons at 200,400,600,800m for me to use...
While playing with the GoO ive lost and gained so many weapons. with the recent crowd of hackers we gain and lose guns more then ever. [Imagine 8...
i miss it so much.. i should have bought the burnout paradise box... and now i got to wait a year... sadface
i think it was some sort of wimper...
Slender | Girlfriend plays Slender for the first time - YouTube She loves scary games and hasn't really played on a PC game but i gave her a...
Arma2 CO is on sale for $17.99 on Steam right now.[40% OFF] Its been worth every penny in my experience if you can play through the occasional...
So i should go saying Leptir server sucks cause Mace is on it and he is a shitty person... i dont know i don't think people would enjoy that. And...