lol i was pretty good at avoiding take downs i never got mooned. But man i don't know its a hard call between most wanted and forza horizon. Forza...
ugh i didnt want play xbox360 till H4 comes out but i may have to get this. Mostly because of all the friendly competition i would get from all of...
stick can import PC saves to XBOX fyi
Sorry I'm late to the party. I played 1 for 500 hrs in college with 3 roommates we had 2 TVs two xbox and it was amazing. I played 2 equally as...
on PC we have a bee with elec immunity and over 20k.... talk to stickmanmeyhem
Once i pay off my credit card bill for last month I'm buying this. So many games coming out... so little money. I flipped a coin dishonored or...
I been playing this game since last night and i have to say all these high scores do it justice. Its a little bit Deus Ex but a real real sandbox...
we go 2-3 really good purps but no legendary sadly. I did get like 3 legendary rocket launchers from chubbys eariler.
We killed Vernivirous the Invincible for the first time last night it was epic. He is harder then Terramorphus because of all the added varkids...
You could become buddies with Jack and ride into the sunset on his Butt Stallion... I mean it could happen it is Borderlands...
Well if this is on PC... because you havn't specified we have a group of 3 on playthrought 2 [34,35,37]
[IMG] Got it from an end game optional quest. Love the paint job.
Wow matty that "cowboy stomper" is ridiculous. I love the paint job havnt seen that design yet. Also i think ive figured how to use torque...
FTL : Faster than Light is a Spaceship simulation roguelike indie game. Its freaking awesome and I've played over 30 hours. I even decided to...
I though it be easier just to post pics of loot. Grenade - Lv14 [SPOILER]
i have plenty but i play on PC sorry
you like my Taktikal Spinigun? lol
Got up to Lv12 in 1 sitting with my friend Tony. My Badass rank is a wooping 167. The game is vastly superior to borderlands in every way. The...
I've been going through borderlands 1 as fast as i could since i never got to finish the original. Ive caught up to my solo play through in a few...
Half-Life 2 is on sale on steam right now for another 20 hours. [$3.75?] Get it now so you can play the mod when it comes out. I just bought it...