Twister Created By Philly100000 Recommended Players: 8-12 Recommended Gametypes: Any! (Slayer, Oddball, King Of The Hill, Capture The Flag,...
hehe thanks its my very first featured map :) im glad you, and everyone else likes it
Thank you, its nice to see you there, here and LG Nations.
Obstacle Course? Not really. As for the jumping parts, its actualy really easy to jump to them, even with alot of people its still pretty easy,...
Yea i do agree with both of you, it does look kinda like plastic of some sort
BlueNightmare Created By Philly100000 Summary This Screenshot was taking in Ghost Town, in one of the rooms you need to use a turret...
well actualy its not very frustrating at all since theres usaly more then 2 or 3 ducks running, it also doesent look as big as it sounds
thank you, i like the tower the most, this probably woulda been boring if it didnt have the juicy filter, i though it looked way to plain
haha true, there would be looks of good laughs and memories
yes i hade a 3v3 battle and you pretty much always die either on the stairs, in the center, or die the tunnel
OverLoad Created By Philly100000 & CanadianRo0ster Recommended Players: 4-16 Recommended Gametype: Rush Summary This map is...
Sure it will be up in about 5 mins Edit: here it is"][IMG][/URL]
I cant really take an overview because all i can get in the shot is the cylinder part i cant get the bases in it the sky doesent go high enough
wow the center peice is amazing, it looks as if its good 4 team gameplay great job
Ya i did run out of objects actualy, and all i needed was a few more, but its fine how it is I added a screenshot of the part, just if anyone...
Theres actualy only 1 sword lol, it may look like theres 2 but both bases connect to the middle
Thats apsolutly fine use it if you like to, il look into your new map aswell
if anyone would like to play this just msg me and we can play with alot of people