Was you playing farcry 2 about a week ago, i somehow got into a game with you i think.
This is quite amazing, its just like forging but only 20 times epic-er, if you figure out how to do this, you'le be one amazing man...
Amazingly well done Esorath, you've put not only alot of work into this, but you spent i believe almost a month testing this, you've also put alot...
Undulation By JBSpudster Vice By Debo37
Just like da philly does :D
Haha yep :p
i laughed the whole time watching this lol the music was win, the windows movie maker was awesome lol, best montage ever
yep, its a great map alright :)
yea iv made a few, Got my Map Inner Relic featured over at The Cutting Edge, group on bungie created by Debo37
yea, i wish i was a ghost thought, im trying my best to be active and a friendly person there :D
:) good to see another GoO member aswell
Your avatar is awesome! lool
Going to say Uber late thanks Debo, for featuring it there.
its escape proof, no Jumping on others heads, no grenade jumping, and no jumping out behing the walls of the bases, its sealed as tight as it can be
Yes thanks i like the obelisks to
theres a problem with that, i only hade about 57$ left i think it was, then halfway finishing the first base, i ran out of objects, so i had to...
Thanks for all the feedback everyone havent had a bad comment yet
3500 downloads. thanks guys
yea i really enjoy simple maps aswell, but also i enjoy really big ones