Ahh, I see, I'm in the south. I asume you go to Winston Knoll Collegiate?
Where you live in Sask? I asume it's Saskatoon, because most people I meet over interwebs are from there :P
It's not all that "open", if your fighting someone in the top center for example, you can be smart enough to drop down to the lower level and more...
Inner Relic Created By Philly100000 Recommended Players: 2-8 (1v1 - 4v4) Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag...
Goodluck at your Humpday with FF :P I shall be watching!
Congrats on Guardian Boi!
We meet once again >.> OHAI
Omagawd! Canada ftw!
buddha, you should listen to Debo, he are very right!
Congrats on 6000 posts boi :P
I love it how in your recent visitors box it shoulds the last 10 visitors to this page were... then at the bottom it shows this page has had a...
Felipe Dos should be posting in The Cutting Edge :P
That sounds more like a map, or a arena/field type of thing, although it might be it.
O.o wayy different then the first time, smmmoooooth foreeeheadd!! lol
Nou! :p
Alright, it would be great if you can do it as soon as posible.
Whens this going to happen??? Bungie.net : The Cutting Edge : Private Forum : TCE's Screenshot Montage It's been since 08.02.2009 since you...
We meet again, Stalker! :p