This looks awsome. i love the ramp and everything. ill DL this map for sure. i have a friend that loves to mess around with the puma(car) and the...
this map looks sweet. nice interlocking(im not saying im better, because im totally not XD) \\,,,,//(^^)\\,,,,// keep...
hehe. nice idea, i thinking about making a machinima map 2 ;) i was going to make a machinima city map on foundry. but im not going to rate before...
this looks awsome. i made a paintball map once on the pit but it was a long time ago. i think im going to meka a remake from a paintball area...
I got i once. sent my xbox to microsoft. one week and i got it back. and i live in norway.
Thanks alot.
I think i saw a shotgun in the middle of the map! And I think MLG dont use shotgun But the map look awsome
I think I understand it XD
Thank you very much. but you forgot the window panel. And I need windowpanel XD. But very awsome dude
Were is the "pre-glitch" foundry? when i go to the link I end up on the homepage. plz help me someone. i need more money in forge. XD