This map looks cool, but, it seems like there are too many vehicles. With this many in BTB 3/4 of the players could be in vehicles. I'm not sure...
Congrats DissYraiN on your second (I think) map! It looks great and you'll get my DL. It's neat how the top floor is like a cat-walk, but lack of...
Now that Halo: Reach is out, have you decided on the rules for studios in Reach yet?
Only certain objects show distinct color changes. Try placing struts or tunnels. (In decorative)
You could add a midpont platform that has two soft lifts in either direction, but then you have a floating platform which can also look tacky....
You are correct in that this is the wrong place to post this. You should post it in the Halo: Reach Custom Content section.
Hello, DissYraiN, and congratulations on making the most insane map I have ever seen. This map always makes me want to tear out my brain, but...
This has to be the most random map I have ever seen in my life. My personal favorite is the Gate to Oblivion. Party with some Daedra, anyone? I...
It appears that you have put this map in the aesthetic category. However, I really don't see how this is an aesthetic map. Sure, you have a cool...
I see a flaw in your game. If you have to be assasinated then couldn't you just back into a corner and sit there? The no one could assasinate you.
For future notice, this is regarded as spam. I have no idea what you are talking about and it would help if you cold be a bit more descriptive....
None of your pictures showed up. Check this link on how to post screenshots.
How do the sweepers kill you? Does it kill you if they shoot a mine and you're under it? Besides those questions it looks like a really fun map.
Did you download it after the new update? I know it worked before the update, but I'll take a look. It's probably something simple and it should...
good it worked
This is a test in the URL codes: Search Browser
I certainly agree on that statement.
I got promoted! W00t! To be honest its not that big of a deal. I'm just glad not to be a rookie anymore.
Dude, its fine. i undersatnd. I wasn't mad at you in the first place, but it turned into a huge argument. Hopefully new ideas will not have to go...
Wow, this map looks really good and also looks really fun to play on. I must say, though, that in the sixth screenshot that walkway running into...