I agree with this. 2 scorpions on a 4v4 slayer map sounds like serious trouble, especially if the scorpions can shoot each other. It bascally sets...
I think this map looks like a ton of fun, but still challenging. It's really hard to make maps like this one durable because so many times people...
Interesting..... Nice concept. Maybe you could use glass covers on the sides. Or rocks. Or both.
This map looks great (considering I have not played the Halo 3 one) and I really like the aesthetics you (Eagle) put into it. My only pet peeve is...
I really cant tell if you are pro-socialist or anti-socialist...
I must say I agree with you on making it easier to get tothe top level. So far I only have 4 ways. I could possibly put a ramp or grav lift going...
I actually added a lot of railings on the elevated parts. And they wouldn't help considering there is nothing painful to fall in, so.... I can see...
I also had spyro! (it was like the second or third one though)
You have an awesome profile picture BTW. I love crash bandicoot. (Played it when the FIRST game came out, also the FIRST crash kart, and I beat...
x0TheUnseen (note the 0 is a zero) EST Friday and saturday 15 (My profile is wrong, I'm not 22)
The top floor looks nice, but there really is not much to do on the bottom floor it seems. You could definately improve some aesthetics also....
It has a better flow than most people think, but I guess that is my own opinion. You are the second person to say it is crowded, and I understand...
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you my second map here on Forge Hu.... Wait a second. That intro was not unique at all. Lets try that...
I'm sorry, but I don't think I can change your vote witout restarting the poll. To compensate, after 2 days I will post the results (and switch...
Hello, world of ForgeHub. I proudly introduce a preview to what will be my second map post on this website. It is a competitive map that I will...
Lol my profile colors kinda remind me of Tron
Kinda hurts my eyes...
Lol for me the backround is cyan
Inverted, eh?
This isn't really a great show of skill... double kills in SWAT? I get at least one a game. :P