TUF's Graphic Art Well, as the title implies, this is my very first piece of graphic art. That is, if you exclude pixel art for minecraft texture...
Is the PPC really just a place for people to easily increase their post count? Seems like it.
[IMG] Caedes Desktop Wallpaper FTW (Especially Abstract -> Fractal)
O rly? [IMG] Unrelated ftw.
http://www.theonion.com/articles/14year-anniversary-of-crash-bandicoot-passes-by-la,18526/ Dont let this happen!
Wow. Nuff' said. Anyway, thats pretty awesome. What was going through your head after you got that?
hmmmm...... yes.
Inappropiate message.
The Main Galleries: Abstract->Fractal - Caedes Desktop Wallpaper
Welcome to ForgeHub! Get to know the site, the people, everything, and I guarantee you that there will be a place for you. P.S. The Tester's...
No, Windows 7 was my idea. GTFO
I really like this pic, but in my opinion it looks even cooler when inverted. [IMG]
Whoah, how'd you get to journalist so fast? ;)
Looks very nice and refined. You made a good choice with the weapons you used. It looks like it would be very un-balanced of you included rockets...
I picture myself as myself.
To countries where Pepsi is sold.
I have seen worse, but still, thats pretty funny. You should submit it to the "Black Ops top 10 WTF moments" vids on youtube.
...I thought "why not?" Anyway I "Strongly hope that I can really grow in to this site, and I hope to get used to the place and meet some nice...
And as we're winding down the road... Our shadows taller than our souls... There stands a lady we all know... Who shines white light and wants to...