Looks good.....added H3 PITfall. Thank you.
By the end of the week, I will have reevaluated some of the things mentioned on this thread. No sense in not taking everyone's opinions to heart....
so, this has been happening to me as well, on more than one map. It always seems random, whether or not the energy portion shows up. It still...
Thanks for everyone's interest in this map. It' been more or less complete since the second week the game came out. I'll post an updated version...
Thanks for your interest in the map everybody. First to Waterfall Ninja; what's funny about your comment about elbows and no spaces in the...
H2 Colossal and H3 PITfall Map Name: H2 Colossal Created By: o CUJ0 o Original Map: H2 Colossus Link to FH thread: BAM! Download Link:...
H2 Colossal H2- Colossus by: o CUJ0 o Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, and CTF supported. I’ll keep this one brief. Here is my rendition of...
H3 PITfall (most current version in fileshare) (H3 The Pit) by: o CUJ0 o Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, and CTF supported. (*updated Fri, Dec....
can you tell me where that's at in the rules? some people are saying the same thing you are, but no one can provide proof it's not allowed.......
Hi. I've looked everywhere and haven't found an official declaration of whether modded maps are allowed to be posted on here. I've seen posts...
GAH!! I didn't realize that about H2, it should definitely be H1. I posted the other map last night and it was H1. Haha... and about using the...
You're absolutely right about the aesthetics. As I was creating mine, I had downloaded a couple of other remakes of this same map. They seemed...
Yeah, that's my gripe too. If it didn't take 30 smaller objects to make such a large structure, and if it wouldn't lag the dickens out of games, I...
H2 KHIRON ALL MAJOR GAME TYPES SUPPORTED! Chiron TL-34 from Halo CE, I knew from the start, was going to be one of the most difficult maps...
H2 RELIK (updated with new version!!) I have remade my all time favorite, and what I believe to be the most fun and balanced of all maps, Relic...
First off, who wrote that song?! It's amazing... and it completely worked for your race creation. I watched the video, love it. Read the...
Hey, if you downloaded the Relic map, you should post on the thread and let others know what you think. There's still life in it yet. And thank...
Yeah, so those crates were a great idea. The color breaks up the rest of the room.. no one likes to see all of the grey and silver anyway. It also...
Okay dude, I'm in the map now and wow. Bravo. To everyone else who comes here, it would be impossible to make the map any better or closer to the...
Just downloaded, I'll let you know what I think later. It's the best one I've seen!