So, IF humans survive, zombies just have to wait 3 minutes doing nothing? You should add a way for zombies to drop humans down.
You should add some details. as an example you could tell what is tower of power exactly.
Thanks dude! You saved me a lot of time. and good vid btw.
There is a way. Press B for tools selection while holding the object and go to edit coordinates. There you can move the object up and down.
Thanks for comments. You're right, map ain't aestheticly pleasing, but in Halo reach I'm going to make maps with better aesthetics.
I like the idea of invasion on it. Of course I can't tell for sure what is the game play like, cause I haven't played it. I will try to check it...
-If you enjoy playin' fat kid in custom games. -If you quit when you're fat kid. -If you find a cool map, you go to forge and add some...
Don't you think elites are over powered? Elites have 150% player damage and humans have 125% damge resistance, so humans are weaker than normal....
There are few things missing in forge. Like switches, breakable glass, and thats it. If those aren't count, the forge is perfect.
Confirmed Recommended players: 6-8 Reach is knocking the door so it's now or never time to post your map. Confirmed is a conquest map with 7...
So what? If you can get easy achievements, then get them. I personally feel better when I deserve my achievements. But if gamer score or...
Speed is increased cause then game play is faster. And MLG is supposed to be fast skill game. It's not like we want whole game exactly same as Halo 3.
Yeah, you're right. I didn't realize that. Why, I think it's better with out jet packs, but i didn't remember hologram(shame on me). Hologram...
I think it should be like this: 100% damage resistance 120% attack power 110% speed 120% jump height 75% shield regeneration And there...
I believe it's really good to forge on the other maps. Of course it not great as the forge world, but you can change outlook and game play of the...
Nice map. What I panned to do is ship stuck on the rock. You should make holes to ship.
It looks good but there's too much open space in the middle of the map. And I would put another level to the middle.
Jet packs seems really over powered. I would add more ways to up.
Nice map. It should give advance to jet packs, but other armor abilities useful too. Like in Sword Base. And I think it's not hard to navigate...
It's great, but to small for me. I don't like 1v1 maps. If i start to like 1v1 maps, I'm downloading this.