Looks fun, even though it isn't much but better than a non foundry map.
Omg, must have taken hours to do that.
Looks good and nice geomerging, I can't do it worth cr*p
Looks fun, and lol, omfg he splatered me.
Pictures please
It looks alright, might try it out before I rate or say anything
Sorry we have seen enough of these random maps, and there geting real old, please don't make a version 2
Looks different than most houses, Im not sure why but it just is.
Thanks, and grats on the first post, lol XD
lol, and yes the point of it is to race to the end and kill the zombie. You don't need a mongoose but your screwed without it.
Yeh well the zombie is in a sniper tower sniping zombies. He can not really camp unless he wants to die.
Idea: SybrandyXxX Made by/50/50: SybrandyXxX and Ironfst24 Map-Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing...
Wow, all is I gotta say. Since I actually tried playing it, it is really fun. Played it with a few people and it was actualy quite fun 10/10.
Looks really fun. I love the maps you make to.
Looks fun, and good use of interlocking
Looks really cool and interesting
I saw this at legends of forge, and now here. I love this. But I wish it was a bit smaller.
This looks really cool. Well done. 5/5
The floor isn't interlocked, but I realy don't mind, some people will though, other than that nice.
I did not mess anything up with spawn weapons. It is tested and everything, but thanks anyways.