I love it and who cares if this map has not much interlocking it looks FANTASTIC!!! You sertinly have my download lol Rofl lmao OMG WTF l8r
The train was is really great when i played people usually hit side of it and flip but unbieliveable work. Just a epic race map epic
It's only half it took soooo long just to make the barrier. I think its fun but I actually wasnt thinking of making it half but i did and it worked
I cant believe someone hasn't made one on Epitaph i actually think High Rails made by Asper would be for conquest. I'm making one now on Blackout...
Hey this map looks very very good you got my download but you from the pics it looks like that you have lots of brs.
kk............merry xmas
If it isnt escapeable then how did i do it i used the turret bounce on the teleporters and it pushed me throught the teleporters, they were...
I am sick like a dog
I looks great you got my DL it looks very smooth interlocked nicely i will try it I will have to give the map a 9/10 but u should make it played...
well i make maps that if they have warthogs or ghosts i make them open. So thats why it's open
sorry i will fix it I was rushed because my brother wanted to use my laptop. So i will fix it but check out Uptown people love it but it's ur opinion
Hello and this is my newest map Freeze point it took a while but i finished it. the map is used for slayer,team slayer,assault,and CTF. The maps...
Hey darkdragon
I think this the map looks very well of a map. nice geomerging and interlocking and I have nothing bad to say about this map. I will have to...
I am not missing my shoes
it is teh cool map for 2v2 I love it!!
YouTube - First video (halo 3 pics
it looks like a box of terror map but i might need to try this it kinda looks cool! Nice wepon spelling too!
I saw two pics of orbital in the new GameInformer I thought the map looked cool but Halo 3:Recon looked so cool.all I know is that it has a mongoose