Great job Mini Waz I say I think this is your best map on sandbox but i also do like Myjor and Highway AE I give this map a 9.9/10 GREAT JOB :)
I say i have never seen a river GoW 2 remake and this is pretty good my friends were playing on this a bit 4/5
Thanks I actually think like he is sad because his squad got killed. but thanks for the complament anyway
Here is a pic of a spartan that looks like he is taking cover [IMG]
I do like the map alot it is very uniqe but I see u have 10 Battle Rifles and in my opinion thats pretty much alot so i give it a 3 1/2 /5
Me too i also like how they put the skull in a cramped place
Hey guys what is your favorite map on the mythic mappack i think orbital because of all the hallways and stuff and for forging i think that...
Hey give him a break he is proably new i bet you did the same thing when you joined! K
It's okay but i will try it but can it play with team doubles i hope so because it seems that way from your pics 4/5
i didnt get a code thats why it was confusing but i will wait till march 3rd
Ok I got online like on every friday but then i relized that i was able to play team mythic so I went to forge and I had the mythic mappack i was...
Yeah I played these maps a lot great job GunnerGrunt hey maybe u should put a mythic difficulty 5/5 the maps are sweet!
i would make a pit and its easy ti fall in it so double kill triple and then EXTERMINATION
Well SargentSarcasm can you show a pic of u holding the golf club
What does the golf club do can you use it with a ball and a hole?
Wasnt the Crypt or basement of sandbox made especially for grif ball I will probably use the top part but i can not wait! But can u use the golf...
Hey guys this is just a Halo wars fan fiction story. Enjoy but dont put hate messages. please (2351,December 2, Streets of Mombasa) Hurry the...
Hello everyone
I was making a map it took me 5 friggin hours for the start of it for slayer i interlocked it.I thought it would be great then i pressed round...
I am sorry but yeah you need a better map interlock stuff take out highly powerful weapons and yeah i give this map a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...