Congratulations Psychoduck! I can honestly say that before now I've greatly disliked almost any map bigger then a 4v4. Due to unfavorable...
Alright, thank you! I'll take your weapon selection into account for when I update the map to support other gametypes. =) Hopefully sometime this...
If I were to remake this map what weapon pallet would you suggest?
Hadn't thought of that. I could possibly put it in the strut underneath the active camo. And yeah, it's just the testers guild. The review thread...
Thanks, will do!
I'll do that. Thank you. I didn't find it to be much of an issue. There are many weapons with low clips, giving everyone a decent edge. The...
I wasn't happy with those ether. I originally had the receiver nodes out on the ends of the large Antennas that I'm using for pillars. On the...
Thank you! I'd love to open the map up a bit more, unfortunately there's some problems with that; My budget is at zero. And it's built in the...
Capris "It was originally one of many forerunner research facilities. Though through the course or their studies, the infection known as the...