So somehow Christianity is right, but every other holy book ever written is wrong? Why are other religions wrong when they started out the same...
How am I wrong - yes, the imaginary lover part is a joke, but please explain how god is any different than an imaginary friend who many people...
That's what religion is. Except God isn't just your imaginary friend. God loves you. He's you imaginary lover.
I can't do that. The elder unicornians hold the only remaining untranslated copy in their sanctuary, located in Iraq. You have to have faith in...
The true book of Unicornia had details on exactly how the unicorn was invisible and the nature of it's invisibility.
I'm not sure why you think I'm miserable.. more assumptions. Where's the flaw in my logic? I really want to know. If you can't detect the...
I'm pretty sure that when somebody does one of those, they actually usually rationalize it. Think about what you would think of when stealing a...
They fact that they treat it as personal is too bad for them. Religion isn't sacred, nor is anything else, and if you can't bear to have it...
Questioning religion is what this thread is about.
Yes, and those simpler items started as extremely simple microorganisms, and over time evolved into all the life we see today.
He doesn't get it. Also, I'm still waiting for your 1 good reason why you believe in Christianity. That shouldn't be too hard, I mean you have...
Because they don't need it. If the evolutionary imperative was to become intelligent or die out, everything would be intelligent. Instead, the...
Here are a few more polls: 1. Thomas Howells, 1927 Study of 461 students showed religiously conservative students "are, in general, relatively...
Well, yes and no. Yes, when we perform these acts they are expressly in order to satisfy our own desires-or else we wouldn't do them. No, because...
I'm starting to see a pattern- when a religious person runs out of logical rationale they get mad and base their beliefs off of faith. In...
I have explained numerous times that it is possible for god to exist. But when I say that it is possible, I say so in the same sense that a...
..No, the words can't be replaced with anything and keep the same meaning. Notice the last paragraph where I address how the paragraph changes....
I'm not going to waste my time looking for it. If you go ahead and use that argument again, go ahead, but the end result will be the same as last...
This will need clarification, but from the way I read his argument he is saying that we have to trust that the Bible was truthfully written in the...