(1) Of course I would assume that. You were using her to make a case that religions give support. (2) You need to stop ignoring people's points....
That isn't a Christian value, it's just a smart value. There's no reason to fear death, it's not like you will ever be aware that you are dead....
You are the ones who have the burden to prove your statements. You are the wants making the extraordinary claims, not us. The difference between...
I believe that before this thread can even continue, the religious people in this thread should explain to us why the religion they believe in is...
Alright, let's put this in even simpler terms by playing a quick game. I am going to list the numbers 1-10: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. These...
Ok, I'll use the story of Zeus flooding the earth to prove you wrong. If you don't know the mythology, it's part of the way down this page. The...
The point is that the bible was not crafted to be correct, as many believe it is, but just to draw as many people as possible into the religion....
I wasn't talking to you. :) I'm not arguing anything other than that the bible is not unique.
So you are saying that the bible's stories are taken from older religions? I don't care if you call it 'synchronization of belief.' The point is...
No. They show similarities between Christianity and older religions, showing that the bible cannot be entirely factual and was instead inspired...
Not all of these are Mithra-related, but here are a few pages with large lists of similarities between Christianity and older religions. Don't...
(1) That does not make them ANY more right than anybody else. (2) Who cares if they show love or mercy? For all you know, god and his true...
(1) My point is that you have no reason to be a Christian other than your own personal biases. Go on, give one good reason why Christianity is so...
(1) Well, its probably true. Assuming that you were raised as a Christian -would you really be a Christian if you were born to a Muslim family?...
(1) Yes, most people who are born into something stay that way. You seem to be taking it as an insult. It isn't. It just the most probably...
I said you were most likely raised with Christianity. Which is true. Let me rephrase that. Given the number of people born into Christianity...
Yes. Although I might think that I'm going insane, but insane people don't usually recognize their own insanity.. so I don't know. Absolutely...
Fine then. Zoroastrianism. Or how about my invisible unicorn god? In my eyes, the invisible unicorn is the perfect being. Why is your god so...
Any monotheistic religion's god is perfect. The only reason why you believe the christian god is more perfect is because you chose to believe in...