1) Killing is innately immoral in most societies. The bible has nothing to do with it. 2) You know very little about Christianity if you think it...
We have no conclusive evidence as to why there is gravity. The difference is that we can see the effects of gravity and we know very well how the...
The problem with telling little kids stuff like this, and making it out as the truth, is that it conditions them to believe other elaborate...
What was before creation (assuming a Christian creation)? If you assume time is a dimension, nothing. Just like there is nothingness outside of...
How, exactly, do you rationalize this?
Yes yes, I read your link. Did you bother to read mine? Probably not, or else you would understand the numerous flaws in the story.
I'm not sure if you are being serious or not. Are you actually trying to defend the story of Noah's Ark? Click.
More evidence for the Big Bang than you could ever possibly need. The big bang is fact. We may have no damn clue what caused the big bang to...
I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm not blindly insulting just because I can. I'm saying facts and analysis that are relevant to the discussion...
Yeah, I agree, but it's not the game that is causing that violence. That same child, if he/she were to find something else they liked to do,...
You're mistaking the probability of violence with a cause of violence. Video games are played by many, many kids. The chances are pretty high...
The laws of the universe are estimates, given by scientists, that correctly predict interactions between matter as often as possible. These...
What he said. There's not much room for varying responses when you are discussing fact. The universe exists, we have created a set of laws to...
So somehow the fact that I don't have some random respect for your religion makes my points less valid? I'm not going to show respect for...
Message too short.
According to you. According to the believers it could be the only thing saving them from eternal damnation! Who are you to take that away? You...
Why do stalagmites form? There's no reason for it, it's just naturally dripping water that happens to form a pattern we humans take as unique....
Then why would you proclaim those acts to be evil? Couldn't they be beliefs, justified by a religious view similar to yours? Why shouldn't you...
"The invisible pink unicorn that my I believe in tells me to kill kittens and any other small, cute animals. Is it OK to teach my children that?...
I'm looking for a direct answer to both of those questions. We'll discuss the significance afterwards.