This game type reminds me of my game type happy ninjas. Though my game type has no set map it has swords and a hammer. I am Wondering if you are...
This Map is in the same location of one of my maps that is in the making "Subvine". I think you use the space quiet well considering that there is...
Is this the same one that is in the campaign. I really Cant tell the difference. This is very well done. How Long did it take you to do it?
Okay well it was just a thought I think no one is going to download it now. I hope people do though.
Thank you sorry for the picture I just thought since it was a ninja it was okay. Is it okay if I take a picture from forge world that is happy...
Can you see if that is an okay picture for happy ninjas. Please just let me know and I will remove it if not.
O sorry about that I will stop sending you messages.
Thank you so much I was freaking out so much. That lifts the rock on my back thank you.
One of my game types got deleted of of forge hub and I was not warned or told why can you Please help me.
I have a question. Is a forge hub member allowed to delete a thread without telling the one who posted the thread. And on this thread is a game...
Please help me Phychoduck :(
I posted it on custom games in Gametype over a month ago.
Well my happy Ninjas game type which I love so dearly is wiped off of forge hub.
Well it just happened.
I have a question? Can administrators remove maps and or game types without telling the one who posted it.
Ya I already got some Messages thank you for not reporting me too.
Okay sorry for the trouble
I've been catapulted so far off this map before So much random stuff happens when I play that it is a Blast. This is a great concept and a great...