I go an infraction for posting on your thread this sucks. It's like some one is twitter following me or something.
You still there 8ball.
I not one to judge but...... this is pretty cool. I love maps that use the old armor orbs and brought with a new and creative design. I really...
It's called Happy Ninjas 2.25 and It is awesome with any one. I've tried countless times to try and get it tested on forge hub but know one wants...
Sure and once I get on I'll test it as long as you test my game type. lol
Your 1,000 Post has to be awesome!!!!
Ah It is called FORGEHUB not x forgery. LOL
Welcome to Forge hub if you have any questions just ask.
Whats wrong REDY :l
this looks like a race map more than a covenant cursor, sorry but that's what I think. Though the interior design looks great.
I like to know what some of those custom maps are, because they look neat. Good montage though.
There is also another step close to this one that shows you the exact point in which you are standing on a I by Accident ran into it. But I've...
I never knew this, this really helps. Now I can Freak out my friends with no weapons. Also I can make people go to Jail for killing an un-armed...
I totally agree with this it has seen it's days. In halo 1 where this map was originate more of the traffic was on the bottom of the map, Mosley...
These pictures are really hard to see but What I can tell is the Zombies spawn on the pillar and the humans spawn in some sort of base is that...
Thank you for giving us more pictures that cover the whole map.
Well I originally Posted this to some one who was having a hard to post a video so i helped him. And decided to post it on my blog since no one...
This is a different concept, It seems really open. Not that that is a bad thing but It feels like there are not really any team bases I agree...
To Isolate teleporters, you need to make one teleporter set for another by going into options and setting them for Alpha, Beta, Delta, and so on...
Happy Ninjas 2.25 - YouTube