I might very well dl this map to try it out. Because what you are telling me seems very interesting. I don't think I have come across a game type...
you need at least one embedded pic or this forum will be locked dude
this map is pretty epic I must say. I am a big fan of your forging and I find this map great fir me since I have only around 3 friends who play...
that is one good chess set I must say. I didn't know that you could play chess in Halo but I guess you can. Anyway would you be so kind to share...
this is quite a unique map I must say. Never have I seen people use window Colosseum pieces in such a way. Does the decorations in the middle...
this map looks quite the shmexy map I must say. This is very aesthetically pleasing and I think that small maps get super energetic at times. My...
I think this map is well made. I like the idea of the soft kill zones to stop camping. Overall nice map
this is a beautiful map It must of taken a long time to make the curves and lay out all those braces (if that's what the things that made the...
pretty cool Griffball map I like the things that you have put in to making this griffball map. My only concern is that does the eye can candy...
nice map dud but can we have a pic showing the outside ship fully. The interior looks nice but I think that it would be nice to show us the...
this map is pretty cool. I love the trench idea. Just wondering do the trenches add another floor to the map? Anyway pro map.
I really like the way this map feels. What I really want to know is how did you get that cool flame around the block?
two words after these words.....sheer epicness
I am pretty sure that this map may be great but the pictures really make the map look quite plain and simple. I might DL this map since it is a...
it seems like an interesting map. Might I suggest uploading more pictures so that way I have a better idea how this map is
you need at least one pic or this forum will be locked
whoops to you you need a least one embedded pic or it will be locked
this map is set up for griff-ball
Big team sumo If you did click on the link to view this map well then congrats you are just halfway there from downloading the entire thing...
it's like it could be a fun map. My only concern is that if you rocket yourself won't you blow up and die? I suggest that instead of rockets you...