This is the second map in my Haunted series. I plan to release two more maps in the coming weeks. The series currently includes: -Haunted Filter...
Re: [Aeon Breakout] infection Lol, sorry, but I can't. More pics please.
I definitely made this map. I am about to release my next one in a few days or so.
Nice post and description, but pics would be nice.
As sloppy as this map looks from the pictures, it does have a very kewl concept behind it. It is spelled Ordnance btw.
I dunno about this maps. Looks like something I am gonna have to DL to understand.
Lol, as much fun as running through a bunch of pipes with an empty shotgun is, I decided to allow some chance of victory for the humans.
Very kewl looking map. Definate DL
Wow, that is something I forgot to mention, there are five minute round timers. The humans can win... Sorta... Also, in the screen shots, it is...
Lol... I suppose... I could always just say that you can kill him...
I thought of doing that, but the screaming and panic caused by a person seeing (or thinking they have seen) the alpha zombie just strikes me as...
Ah, yes, the zombies/ghostz spawn in a seperate room that they can reach through the teleporter. A few people have tried to camp the teleporter,...
Yeah, the crush at the start that occurs when you have more than 6 or so people is something I have been thinking about for some time, and I have...
Yes, this is a new version. Well, kinda. I had to edit the zombie spawn area a fair bit so that humans had more time to get into the tubes and...
This looks like a very well made map. I am definitely Downloading it.
The Map: In Haunted Tubes, the humans all spawn in a room facing a small hole in a wall. The hole is the only way to go, unless they feel like...
Re: Haunted Tubes Let me rephrase that. Humans don't really have any chance of winning with 25% percent. However, at 50%, the Alpha has just...
Re: Haunted Tubes Lol, sorry about the 25% move thing. If it was any higher, then the humans would have no chance. I have tested this a lot and...
I fixed the DL links!!! The idea behind this map was inspired/stolen from the map "Vents". It takes the vent idea at the start of "Vents" as far...
Lol, looks fairly maze-like. I will try it when I get a chance. Also, can you try to take picture that are not in First-Person? Just use the...