Could you send me a message when it's done? On XBL? Also get in wraith after it goes down to GET down there. My Gt is : Map Lock
This is currently one of my favorite maps right now and I FOUND A WAY DOWN AS INFECTED!!! :) ill put it in my file share later
Wow, all I can think of while watching you do that is running away from someone and winning. Wow, I wish I could jump that good.
Infection On Sandtrap - Custom Game Monday, December 14, 2009
Wow, really cool. I like Savior the best.
Some maps have had weapons removed because they are not necessary for the level so bungie didn't put them on. Like there is no deployable covers...
This is the best racetrack i have seen in the crypt! On rare occasions you see them in the crypt looks great! going to download it now!
So true! I tried using paint to make something once I ended up failing miserably. Then I found gimp and managed to make a jail type thing for my...
L0Lz! I'd hate to be that bad in halo 3. LOL Can't wait for episode one!
I like the extended helmet at the top. Those are all frames of a video though so it looks like there a lot a like.
Great map in my opinion only isn't 3 minutes a little much? It should be at maximum 45 seconds. I absolutely love the little oval type building...
The map has a great layout but seems to easy to spawn kill. It is very tactical and once the first kill has happened they have about a 70% chance...
Honestly I would like to say Halo 3 ODST because of the great graphics and the city scape design. Although left 4 dead 2 is great and i have heard...
I made a map and game like that recently, The terrorist spawn in a small house with a bomb in it they take it over to a two story house and plant...
Paint tool Mechanics Plain flat map for forging Customizable items Make-your-own-item ( Slightly forging ) Unlimited file share no budget...
Well, I have clear maps for stuff like that but It would be awesome to cover up the whole middle layer of sandbox to make it look like it's all...
Earlier today I was forging and ran into the object limit thing and wished I could put more stuff on the map. I had my no budget map so I was fine...
Sorry, just one picture isn't enough. I'll have more by the end of the day. Also the humans have a lot of gravity and they have killballs at the...
Nails Created by Brakessk8 Map Used: Sandbox Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) Description: A infection...