crap i didnt mean to say the house i made i meant to say the house looks great my bad
pictures follow the rules
follow the rules (images) i dont want to download something that i dont even know what it is next time follow the instructions and put in PICTURES
doesnt look like much thought was put into this map it looks like you just threw stuff around and gave it a story 4/5 for the story and 2/5 for...
WOW! this looks amazing! the level is greatly made and the house, roads and alleys also looks really good. i am about to download it right now. *****
well for starters it looks like there is only 1 tunnel :( secondly it looks like it is very empty. i know that you say it will be an interesting...
you know that map is basically standoff with just a plane and 2 extra snipers. as other people have said too the plane is really poorly made. 1/5....
made by The Predator720 and Green Gunner Laboratory is a remake of the legendary map lockout. this map has almost everything (except for mabey 1...
Laboratory is a remake of the legendary map lockout. this map has almost everything (except for mabey 1 or 2 holes that ar missing so you can drop...