You still gonna be able to do Garrison?
I guess my only issue would be callouts. If everything's orange, what's gonna happen to the map's callouts? Unless there are structures in the kep...
Seems like its too small for 8v8
I think the only way to do it is with the rotating pieces from Impact. I forgot what they're called.
What are you using to get the images? Looks like you took them with a digital camera. For larger images with better quality, I suggest you do...
Right. Hadn't thought of that. :)
Oh hello there new wallpaper. :)
Looks like a fairly accurate remake except for that bit with the Shield Doors. Why didn't you just build the map a little bit above Forge Island's...
Colors. Use them. The map looks very bland and grey. You should also try to have some variety with the pieces you use. It's like all that you...
Yes. This has been discussed before. Even I have this problem. As far as I know, this problem still has no real fix.
In the 6th picture, is that a Ramp 2x2 steep? If it is, I suggest that you replace that ramp with an incline at a lower degree. Maybe something at...
Didn't see that about the Brace Larges. :) But about dem sightlines. In the last picture, I think one can shoot from where he took that...
Guy's how about a way to get notified when someone replies to a post you make or quotes you. I'm talking about getting notified like it was a like...
Well you should really fix this map up. First of all, I see so many long sightlines. You'd see them in the last and second picture. There's also...
This map looks absolutely gorgeous. With the entrances and the title picture, I thought that this was a remodeled version of Panopticon. Those...
The too lazy thing was a joke (true story) I did view the 1 minute video. I only mentioned putting pictures up because a good map post involves...