Thanks for the feedback, Warholic. I'll move the weapons to the areas you suggested once I can. Place all weapons on the ground, right? Sniper at...
I can make some title pictures for you if you'd like. PM me about it if you want.
They all look phenomenal. I hope they get posted officially soon. P.S. I like Temper the best. :)
Do you guys still accept map submissions for testing? I just don't see myself being awake at 12 in the morning to make this lobby.
So...the only difference between this map and the original Warlock is bottom mid being open?
Ok, I seem to be in a bit of a pickle here. FlyingShoe, a Chunk and FatedFire all tell me that I need to redesign/reforge red. I've also heard...
I've received feedback similar to this before. It's always nice to receive it as it tells me what can be improved on the map in terms of gameplay....
Thank you for the feedback. I've actually never heard of a lot of the complaints that you brought up. So I'm glad I'm hearing them now. I'll get...
I remember playing on this map during one of the FCCGNs. This is truly a very fun map to play on. In the game we played, the map flowed quite...
I've always been more of a Noble Six kinda guy.
Looks like a course designed to infuriate. You need to put up a download link though.
I hate rain. Too much of it where I live. But welcome. :)
I will download and give this map a look. Expect feedback from me soon.
These maps are meant to be competitive, yes? Then listen to what people in this thread are saying when they say that the design of the map won't...
You need to embed the images in this post if you want your map getting any sliver of attention.
These are flood maps yes? All of them look spectacular if you ask me. I love themed maps and I think you were able to set a solid theme for the...
Are you aware that all your images are broken? And don't link people to Waypoint just for sreenshots. A lot of people (myself included) would not...
I thought that you make maps that fast. Never a good thing.
Can you guys bring my map? I can't attend because I'm in college during Tuesdays but it'd be nice if my map gets tested. Been working on it for...
Did you make this right after Astro? Or have you made it before and just posted it now?