This is my recap and i hope you like it. Click the link! YouTube - ForgeHub's 24th TGIF Recap
Thanks and ill give you some props for the inspiration.
Would you be mad if i made a forge toutorial? im not taking your idea but im wanting to show people how to do stuff and i want to get popular on...
HEy can you make me a sig? if you can i would just like somthing with a sniper or something with a BR,
Hey go to my posts and then look at my recap and i included ur special SPLATT3R on jenga tower
Thanks for the comments! Im glad you like the video. BTW its my first attempt at making a ForgeHub TGIF recap. -JNeWcOmB-
Yes my Dazzle Capture Card is a pinnacle and it records in HD.
Hey i know you make or have made better recaps of TGIF but do you think mine is ok? YouTube - ForeHub TGIF 23 Recap
ok i was just wanting to ask before i get infracted for map theft or something
Hey i used your template to create a map but i deleted a few things i was waondering if you will be ok if i post. Im asking for your permission....
Ya, Thats so cool how people can NOT EVEN VIEW MY THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol Tkowned is a BK!
Thanks for the comment!
forge all the way!
Hello, My gaming company (Beastly Gaming) is hosting a halo 3 1v1 Tournement. The way to get in is if you visit HERE and you sign up. When you...
Thanks! Im glad you guys like the map. -JNeWcOmB-
Im glad you guys like the map. Sense we got a good rating you guys will get to see a v2 comming soon.
LoL, Thats so funny Tex
The map is enclosed, The pictures i have are the best ones i can get on an enclosed map. But if you want to see it better i recommend you Download...