Hey the map looks good but where is the download link? Im just wondering where it is beacuse i dont see it.....
ok thats cool send it to o intenzity x
Yea i got a cap card.... Why?
Hey what do you think about the vid on battletracks? Have you seen it?
Whats Up Man ill be back on later but r u forging on our race project?
I used wmm for this vid but i normally use sony vegas pro 8.0. I could of done a better job i just wanted this done b4 i went 2 bed.
I will make anybody videos for there maps for free out of generosity :) But i will charge for montages but there not 2 much. Please enjoy this...
Thanks for moving my post!
Hey Shad0w, Hows it goin?
All of my classes are Advanced that means i have 9th grade classes in seventh grade. Im very smart and at this grade i find it a waist of time but...
I Like black n blue. I think thats very creative. I can see that you like screenshots and im looking forward to see some more screenshots coming...
I like the map and the gameplay is good. But i just dont like it. Its a good map but ill play it but i just idk i dont like it for some reason....
I was wondering which of you Forge Hubbers like school or dislike school. I dislike school because i find it a waist of time. I know all of the...
I dont play GoW2 But my bro does. He is about at 5000 kills. He is really good and hes younger than me. He can beat me at it. :( <-- Sadface
As a big halo fan i am im really not excited to see this come out. I think that this is going to be terriable in my opinion. But hey who cares...
Wow this is beastnnn. I hope you can tell some of us how to do that. Please atleast tell meeeeeeee!!!!
Not to say anything mean or nothing but ummm this is really not at all up to forgehub standards. Before you post a map again check out some other...
iLL tell you it in a private message.
Hey can you add my new gamertag?
Hey man i dont like the idea that your bumping your map. You have like 8 fh accounts and then anf knights account you've probably bumped them to.