Nice dude but isn't you gonna bounce at that place with the one way shields?
nice idea mate! cool that you made it with all the rocks that you can jump around and hide behinnd them! Can't really see any flaws with the map!...
welcome to forgehub! This looks like a amazing map, it looks great for racing but however i think that you should make the buildings closer to...
but it isn't powerups in reach they use equipment instead :P
yeah talons is right that would be much better! but this map looks cool imo :)
Great idea man! but you could add some more aesthetics, but other than that the map is awesome!
Hi there and welcome to forgehub! The map you got here is awesome! The map looks great and the gameplay i think is nice! I gotta try it to know...
Coagulation is MUCH bigger than this! So you shouldn't say that this is coagulation more of a coagulation-inspired map :P Also i think that you...
Great map you got there! In my opinion it's perfect! great symmetry and awesome aesthetics! Keep up the great work and i really hope to see more...
looks like a great btb map! i can't really see anything wrong with it :) only one thing you should add more spawnpoints cause from the map it...
great idea man it's awesome to see people do something deferent from others and this is just cool as hell! keep it up man!
i think you should add more aesthetics to make the map cooler and i also think that you should add more cover but i really like that...
I agree with abovehalomaster that you should describe the map more :P
nice one but it would be cooler it it was open at the top cause you may think to yourself ''how did that saber get in here'' but the rest of the...
it's a good idea i have never really thought about something like that but if it's suppose to be mlg, then you have done it wrong, there is many...
yeah unfortunetly is that a concern but it doesn't effect gameplay very much :) Thanks man! and i will definetly check out your map!
here i am! The map looks amazing! You really get the feeling of being in a real life place and not in a forge map! Add me on xbl if you want me...
Hi everyone! It's Raptororieon again! And i'm here with my first slayer map post here on forge hub! The name is Forerunner coast and it is a...
Yeah i ran out of money so i had to cut down on that barrier :/ sorry :P I think i should post forerunner coast today if i have the time for it :)
thanks! :)