Awesome map! That is the best dam i have seen in reach too bad you can't make the water level higher :P great map tho!
Gz on the feature man! You really deserverd it cause the map is perfect!
awesome map dude love the walkways and that... well... waterfall... DAMN!! Can't really see any flaws with it so Amazing map man! keep it up!
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Welcome to forgehub! However your thread is not up to standards! Rules you have broken: 1.You must have at least one screenshot or video (on...
if you want to delete it do you have to msg a mod or a very high ranked and they will delete it :)
Nice temple there timmy! looks flawless! is it most for competitive gameplay or most for aesthetic appeal? Nice map tho!
looks like a nice map but framerate may be a problem because of all the glass :/
Yep i think it will be VERY much lag on this map because of all the glass and many items :/
i think this map is... well... TOO big! And i also don't like the walkways but that just me :/
I like this map looks like it plays out good and have great aesthetics but i think you should change the name it's already like 3 maps out there...
Like the map but i think it would be too overpowered to be for example a hunter all the time i think you should only include runner and tank, like...
looks like an awesome map! great variety with complex indoor corridors and bright nice balconies and i like what you have made with the walls in...
Welcome to forgehub! The map seems pretty nice as a slayer map but it doesn't look like a ship at all! :/
The pics are broken! or is that only for me?
You listened to us! And now the map looks awesome! I think the gameplay will be much more balanced now without the falcon! Keep it up man!
The map is awesome! Nice idea to make it both flat and distorted! Am i going to get sick if i play this map ;) Nice work man!
DAMN This map is awesome dude! It looks like from the pictures that it varies gameplay very much! I think this is much better than that ''ridged''...
I don't like this map at all it's too open and not so much cover and you should also make your own buildings, DO NOT use premade buildings! They...