Welcome to forgehub! However your thread is not up to standards! Rules you have broken: 1.You must have at least one screenshot or video of your...
I think you should add more pictures and a longer description cause i can't get much information out of this post but from these pics it looks...
your pics don't work you can't delete them on photobucket afterwards :/
Dude this is a double post and double posting is not allowed you have to delete this one or it will be locked and you will end up with an...
Again? This map is awesome too! I really like the pool in the middle and those stairs leading to it! For your next map can you make it outside? I...
I would recommend to add more pics of both inside and outside of the ship, I can´t really see much from just this single pic :/
Sup bro! It's a very nice map you have there! Amazing aesthetics and it looks like it plays well for ffa gametypes too! For some reason your maps...
Okay? I can't understand a thing of your description, what is that language? France? Map seems nice but you should write the description in...
Looks great man! I love how the vault opens! It's like sliding! Amazing work man!
... One word: AMAZING! This is one of the best aesthetic maps I've seen! I don't know how you made most things, Do you have to be in forge to see...
I agree this map don't looks like slayer fits it it's looks more like an infection map :/
I can't see anything! Here is a tutorial on how to post pics properly:...
Dude (maybe this is a little late but yeah) You gotta have the pics on forgehub it's not that i am lazy it is that you have broken the rules, just...
Yeah LegitAssassin is right but you also need to make the description longer (at least 500 letters) Do it as fast as you can it the thread will be...
Hey! Your swedish, me too! And your map looks nice but what about the other armor abilities? Whatever! Add me on xbox like so can i help you with...
I have a question for you: why did you make an entire new post when you could've just edit the other one? now you will get into much trouble :/
Now I can see it! It's looking very much like pillar of autumn and thats nice! the interior looks amazing too but some areas inside look a little...
To be honest... THIS MAP IS PWNZOOOR!! Congratz!
I think you should make the pics bigger post them with photobucket and that should be good, i can't really see very much from these small pics so...