this is the map u tried to post a few days ago. looks very nice. id have to try it out to see houw the infection actually works. but from the...
well. i never gave it to anyone else since i made it for u, its just in my sig in the master template. i have all of them i made in thurr
wow. that arch just makes me want to get on my knees for it. i can c that u clearly took in mind gameplay overall, but just looking at the pics i...
dude wow, that is some amazing weapon placement. by putting all the weapons in one room uve really showed how much effort u put into thinking...
ya agreed. id recommend going to look at other's maps and see what they did right and what they did wrong and try to improve from their mistakes...
hows the gameplay. u never mentioned the testing process and how it went. i mean, one can c that u have exceptional forging skills and 1337...
every person who doesn't get what this map is. its a change in gameplay from the standard standoff. he's not trying to make a super cool interlox...
this is not up to forgehub standards. you need at least 1 embedded picture and a download link this link will tell you everything you need to...
i think people would be able to cut the track like on rainbow way in mariocart. u kno the big jump, people will just jump over and get a huge lead...
because of the new bungie, u cant post maps to the forum. they just live in filesets on ur profile here's my picture tutorial on how to make them from scratch. there are also threads around forgehub with blank ones. just find an...
dude, ur not supposed to tell them it leads outside the anyways, i really like the idea of the zombies spawning on top of the humans it...
seems like there is just a lot of open space which screws with points of view. leaves a lot of places to see from one spot. take regicide. i can...
dude have u tested this out with 4v4, cuz it seems to me that aesthetics>gameplay.
dude very nice. guardian as ur avatar. i personally would go with the vintage ranks like mason and guilder
dude, ur sig=the sex
wuts up brute captain, i remember when u had that name
u r my man. i love maps that have geomerged lifts, they make me happy all inside. im making a map that has a geomerged lift, but its invisible....
the picture definitely reminds me of a map i saw. especially cause of those 2 bridge ramps and the open box with a shield door. did u make this... straight download link. i swear, no virus