the map is very nice. the house you built is very basic but is nicely forged. like the windows being boarded up with pallets. the top is nice to....
wow all the maps you made are really good. i like all of them. my favorie is the legendary. they are all very well forged. they all lookk very...
the map looks ok. its not amazing but pretty basic. i would try to create some more unique strustures. i would try to mess around more with...
the map looks really random. i dont know if you know how to interlock but you should read up on forging 101. i would be happy to help you out some...
i made this pic a while ago. it doesn't have any effects but i dont think it needs it. well here it is. [IMG] here is the link if you want...
the map is good. i like the layout. it looks like it could support a nice game. i think it could be a lot better. its sloppy but i see you made it...
the first pic is sweet. the sky is really cool. the effect you used in the second pic is cool but its not very detailed. just blurred.
the background is sweet but he isnt doing anything cool. another effect would of been sweet.
the pic looks really cool. i think it would of been sweet if he was looking up. almost epic. still really good.
they are ok pics. but its just ok. i know it was probably really hard being in matchmaking. i like the second one better.
the pic is cool but the colors are kind of weird. i like the effect you sued like he is in motion.
i didnt even see chief. like the guy above me said its like finding waldo. sweet pic man. i like it mostly because of the odst guys.
you need to put more thought into your pics. yours doesn't make any sense
OMG your signature is sweet. thats amazing.
its a good pic. i like the background but the pic itself isn't anything special.
very nice pic. its really one of the better odst pics i have seen. i really like the lighting and how its shot. very cool.
clever pic indeed. its humorous. i like that. maybe a different angle would of helped but its fine the way it is.
the first and last pic are really cool. the middle one is ok but those two are just sweet. the last one is my favorite. i couldn't see it for a...
its a sweet pic. i dont know if you meant to put the guns together but it would look cooler if they weren't.
the screenshot is cool but its very basic. the lighting is cool but i like to see it more defined. its still really cool.