the pics are pretty good. i would say that the pics could be better. but im not a screen shot wis. i would recommend you try it again and maybe...
ya i am going to say that some people are going to love this screen shot and some are going to hate it. im not sure what you are referencing. so...
i idnt know that tgif played such a wide variety of games. i am definitely going to participate in it as soon as my xbox gets fixed.
the picture is really quite good. i like how the one spartan is being owned while the other is acting like a ghost and letting his presence go...
i would say that all of your pics are really nice. they all have a individuality to them and are all very well made. i like purple ice the best...
NIce map remy. i was there when you first started to build this map. haha. but i really like the maps flow. its perfect for a ffa game-type. i...
this map is really nice and deserves to be featured. i like how when building it the objects are not centered it gives the map an unique feel. i...
the map looks very well forged. i like the look of it. the map sniper room is really cool. i also like the area in the middle. its very well...
the pics have good lighting effects and are well thought out. i like the first one the best with elite. how did you get it to do that?
the pics look cool. but how did you make them? i think i would be interested in doing something like that.
i think the map is really nice. i think it has a lot nof potentail. the design is really nice but it looks to open. i like the back part in which...
i like this map a lot mostly because it reminds me of tremors. i think the map itself is really nice. like you said nothing impressive but...
i think your map is ok. not really all it could be but its an ok map seeing how the map just came out. its very basic in design but very nice at...
the map is really nice nice i really think this is one of the better maps on sandbox. i like how its all conected and is really well forged. maybe...
hey man you seem like a cool guy. accept my friend request and check out my maps. ventilation and industrial site. let me know what you think.
the map looks very nice. i like how its open but not to open. i think i would sick with forging because your good at it. let me know if you have...
i like the idea behind this map. the map reminds me of a subway station with the train. its really nice and looks like a boat load of fun. maybe...
i like the thought behind this map. its very cool how you incorporated a part of a map to make a map. i like this a lot. and you could even just...
ahh its ok not really all it could be. i think its funny though. rednecks are funny people.
wow all of your pics are really nice. i like how some are action some are posed. very different in their own way. my favorite is relic