Yeah, my ranting was aimed more at one-sided objective games, haha. Nevermind, I'd have to play it before I could really say anything about...
I'm really interested in playing this map, it looks unlike anything I've ever seen in Forge.I can't DL maps (my ****ing Bungie thing doesn't work,...
I'd say Slayer. This is just my personal bias, but crypt maps and flag games never quite tickled my fancy when they're put together. But in this...
I had sex with this map. It is seriously just that good. I was freaking out during Nondual's games over how much I loved the map, after playing...
I remember testing this a while ago, and I'm really glad you finally got aroud to posting it. It is such a great map, the layout flows so well and...
This looks sick dude, I had no idea you were making a new map. I definitely wanna play it as soon as possible.
But is the whole interrogation/cigar scene really canon? I thought it was just for laughs and another dose of Johnson badassery.
Overall, I'd be pretty satisfied if Reach ended up being the final Halo game. But at the same time, I wouldn't mind an extra spin-off or two...
I had a look around this map today, Urban (I actually ran into you in Matchmaking on the 7th on the 7th playlist and I grabbed it off your...
I was so bummed that the legendary ending was just basically something we already knew, but I guess it was kinda cool. The other post-credits...
Not counting Utah Mambo: Avalanche Sandtrap Rat's Nest Also, for the hell of it: I despise Longshore. Besides the Fish Taco hut that map is...
Knarly, you really put a shitload of work into this, especially considering that you had to rebuild it. And even though the forging has a few...
I remember when I played with you guys today, I really liked it as a Slayer map. Oddball was cool too, but CTF and KOTH weren't that great....
The only "heavy" maps that actually work are Santrap and Avalanche. (Actually, besides Standoff aren't those the only heavy maps? Bah.)
The maps in Bungie favorites are usually abysmal except for occassional gems (Pivotal, Avarice). I stopped looking at the screenshots last year,...
Plurality was complete ****. Cubed had a decent layout but it played terrible because of the weapon placement and grenade spamming. I never played...
The timeline really doesn't matter for Firefight. I'd be happy if there was a Flood-themed map, or Elities. Hell, throw some Spartans in there,...
I want The Arbiter in the game, maybe even a short side-mission series where you play as him (seriously, where the **** were my Arby missions in...
Ohhh, I forgot all about Forge. If there's only one thing Bungie gives us in the new Forge, it should be cut/copy/paste with the option to select...
I know the game is a long way away, but it doesn't seem like it's generated much discussion around the forum. We know basically nothing besides...