One thing that really pisses me off is people Armor-Locking in CTF around their flags so they can reset them without worrying too much about...
Invasion is a ****ing mess. I think it was something of an attempt to make an assault (not Halo assault) type gametype, but it doesn't really...
Brendon, you finally posted it, you magnificent son of a *****, you. <3 I never got that many chances to play Galaxy Milk, though I followed it...
I have no idea what I'm looking at but I think I like it? As soon as I get my Xbox all fixed up (which might be a while, I'm red ringin' like a...
I got my 2 EMP challenge from care packages. Happened within 3 or 4 days. I never even knew you could get EMPs from care packages until then. I...
Switched to the Intervention for the first time ever since I'm almost done with my Barret challenges. Even though I'm already very used to the...
Burgertown Headquarters map. I've said it before, I'll say it again, **** has to happen.
Guys, I'm planning on taking a break from COD this weekend, and I really want to get in some games on Galaxy Milk and Thus I **** Yo **** Up, can...
Last night I actually used the Grip for my SPAS for the first time. I honestly didn't feel much of a difference, but I was getting more kills.
SPAS-12. No attachments. I shoot, you die.
Hahaha the restaraunt mission never ends. "Go here! Now go there! **** we left the weapons back there! Wait go back over there! Hostiles in...
A burning Whitehouse map would be incredible. That was one of the highlights of the campaign, I loved the atmosphere in that mission. Also:...
Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of all the ruined-city-plane-crash-urban-area-bunchofdestroyedshit maps. The best MW2 maps are the ones that are...
I'm starting to get sick of a lot of the maps in MW2. I know it's still pretty soon to be saying this, but, map pack pleaseee.
If I lost point for dying, I would just not play COD.
Brendon, we should play sometime yo. All my regular teammates suck.
God I love the Barret 50 Cal. Today, I was playing on Afghan, and I decided to get my snipe on. I set up in the tiny bunker that directly...
Throwing knife kills are ridiculously satisfying, although I much prefer frags/semtex. Whenever I use a throwing knife and I'm in a situation I...
Akimbo P90's = no kills for you. I learned that the hard way. ****'s impossible to hipfire.
Thats why I do it. Every time I'm using a different class, if nobody's taking down the Heli or the Harrier, I get myself killed on purpose, switch...