This actually looks pretty ****ing legit. I won't be able to get back online tonight though, I'm calling it an early night. I'll definitely join...
I DL'd this and looked around it for a while, and it's ****ing excellently built, though the blue base leaves a little to be desired. I may be...
This looks pretty sick actually, definitely keep it up. So far, it reminds me a bit of Landing Pad, which is definitely a good thing.
You can see the one near the Acension pillar without FX on, and even then you've really gotta stare at it. If Forgeworld has any easter eggs, I...
Of course someone was going to pull that one on me. Should've seen it coming. Still, I've always been a big fan of Bungie-made maps. I'm hoping...
If that's seriously the entire list of multiplayer maps (not counting the Firefight maps, because frankly I don't give a **** about Firefight),...
This is barely going to be a problem. The new structures are way more complex and would have been just as expensive to build piece-by-piece in...
I'd love to see civilian vehicles in some maps, just chilling on the side of a road or something. It'd be a neat way to get from place to place...
Unless there's supermegafuckingdeathbarriers everywhere, I'm pretty confident that someone would find a way to glitch up there anyway. I'm...
The coolest part by far is that there's still more than ****ing five thousand dollars left for budget.
Uh, does this even matter anymore? Come September 14th, glitches are gonna become a lot less important to Forge...
The maps in the weekly update.... oh my ****ing god. They don't all look amazing but I'm suddenly starting to realize the true capabilities of...
Me and you and Nox are gonna seriously **** **** up in Forgeworld, k? Gamertag: Lipkatopolis Times you can get on: Until September, anytime....
Is this the vehicle man cannon? If not, the **** is it? [IMG]
This and Titmar's pallette idea are my only genuine complaints. That and simple moving objects/switches (elevators, conveyor belts) would be all I...
Bingo. I had literally no patience for forging when I played Halo 3, so pretty much all my ideas have been put to waste. I'm hoping Reach will...
Dear Halo, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I cheated on you with Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. She means nothing to me. And Red Dead...
I'm digging the new map pack a lot more than the first one. Trailer Park, Vacant and Carnival are welcome additions. Trailer park is ****ing great...
Sword Base is like the ugly mutant bastard child of Orbital and Boarding Action. Does it work? Yeah, but it's a little rough. A few things could...
Generator Defense is fun. Seems pretty balanced depending on your team,though I wish it was 4v4. In fact, is there any chance of Bungie adding...