The last pose is the best. He looks like he's about to blow someone's head off.
How about the picture needs to be pixelized (except for the spartan), Like from the gravity hammer or deployable cover? Or maybe it has to have a...
Hi, sorry to be harsh but it's not to special or unique, sorry. Also you need the image imbeded
Try not to get the equipment in the picture like you did with the 3rd. The last one is my favorite. I have never seen bubble sheilds used like that.
Firefight's my favorite. It looks like he's stumbling from the explosion
I like the second one the most with the last one coming in a close second
Nice, I like the second one more.
I've never head of the black room on blackout. Also they would be better if you didn't see the sheilds rechargin in the 1st and 3rd one.
I like electric more, there still both good.
Wow, I like the last one, it's the first time I've seen a shot of a skull from campaign. Also I'm with you on hating the no rewind in campaign.
I like tropics, although it would be better if he had his pistol down in the reload motion.
Is that blood and a laser?
How'd you get the purple. Btw I havent seen these used before so nice job 5/5 on orginality
I like it, but I agree if the backround wasn't so obviosly a gold ball it would be much better
Thanks, because of the king of the hill part of this I got a really good screenshot
Below right the elivator on orbital there is a little opening in the wall. When you go in to the hole you need to throw a flare and jump after...
Great effect and it's easy to take to. It look's even cooler if you mix in a fuel rod
Really amazing effect, my mouth dropped when I saw this. Thanks for the great guide also.
I like the 3rd one but I'd pick the second one if you couldn't see the block and there wasn't a corner that was lighter then the other. I do love...
I'd pick the first because black and white with no effects (like the first 3) aren't orginal at all