Picture 1, 4, and 5 I like the most.
Keep up the good work. I like the abstract colors in some of the shots. Desolate warriors is my favorite.
Yes, stand in front of the fire and only get your model and the fire in the screenshot. Infection is my favorite. The 3rd seem's kinda pointless...
I like it, does it have anything to do with a power drain or a respawn wall?
The're not bad but you have 7 of them on your file share. Try not to have more then one of an effect on your file share. If you must then have two...
They're not that good for your first one's. The first one is too bright, but still good for your first. The second one's pretty cool. Just a...
I agree completely with you. People should (usually) post more then 1 image. Also I'm tired of screenshots with no effects or even just colorblind...
Sorry I don't mean to be harsh but they're not very good. The camera angles are bad, They don't have any effects at all. It also looks like it...
Me likey. I've never seen that before, Nice find!
Lol, that marine won't have a head in a few seconds...
The first to are boring. Most of the rest are average. Electreic, Defiance, Emerge, and chrome are all very good
I like all the vibrant colors. 9/10 I like it but the effect is overused. You pulled it off very well. You added your own touch of originality...
I saw the first because the second one isn't bright enough.
Be original and experiment. Also people love snipers and brs in shots. If you can try to get recon.
Very nice. My favorite is the first
Cyan snipers my favorite. Also welcome to ghost town XD!
This looks fun. I'll try to do the next one.
I say tartan spartan
Wow. This is by far the best giant robot person thing I have ever seen.
I say electric because there's more action