I haven't seen a budget glitched Citidal but I'll keep on looking. If you really need those four more items then you could try budget glitching...
Thanks! Nearly everything in my maps geomerged or at least merged so that's prbaly why it flickers so easily. That's great that you can't see it...
The map I am currently working on is budget glitched and I used all of the default items to help with the item limit. I just hit the object...
Wow, all I can say is this is one of the best first posts I"ve ever seen. Great job! Ok now on the map it looks pretty good. I'm judging by...
Post this in the thread in this forum titled Forgemates! Are You Looking For Someone to Forge With?
I played this a few days ago and it was amazing! The name really fits, I can't believe it was on Sandbox. This is one of the best maps I've...
Wow great map! I like the stair case, especialy how it spirals. The gameplay looks great. I'll dowload it and try it out. Good Job!
Ok first of all I just want to say I LOVE the colored collumns for the sniper spawns. I never would of thought of that. Other then that nothing...
Ahhh.... the item limit. I hit it on the map I'm working on now and since have gotten a stacked canvas and restarted. Now, back to the map! It...
Wow, this is aetheticaly amazing! I really love the half circle base but I think it might need a tad more cover. I also really liked the...
Very nice map. The warthog seems to work well and I like the center curved highway. My only suggestion is to take away a few of the power...
I really like that there isn't many strait walls. The green wall is very unique and I love the center structure. I also like where the...
Sweet, I might do this with a goose
I've already played Puzzled V3 which was pretty hard and fury which is amazingly hard and they were both great! I need to download this one. I...
This needs something to stand out aesthenticly, merging and geomerging wouldn't hurt either. Also it seems way to open, even if its made for...
Wow, when I first saw this I though it was much smaller and wouldn't be playable but when I saw the gameplay I knew it was. I love the height...
Wow, a great remake! What really blew me away was the cut off lights at the bottom of the floor. That was just great. Also, about your ladder does...
Looks pretty good and balanced but nothing stands out. It needs some color or some cool aesthentics. 7.5/10
Wow awesome. Great recreation. I like most of it. There could be cooler structures for aesthentics but than it wouldn't be an exact remake.
Great job. looks like a good map. I like how you used the sides and not just the main area. 9.25/10.