I would sit there in awe of the hundreds and thousands of lines of code O.O Lol yea I would make more skulls :D
Yes I would definitely add 2 more GB's but there are only two RAM spots on my motherboard. So the 1 GB of RAM is split into two chips of 512 MB...
Hi all, My computer is pretty slow and I think I need to take some serious action (lol). I have had this Gateway computer for about 2-3 years...
It's alright for me because I have an iPod Touch 2nd generation, but I don't have some features. The home screen wallpaper and the recent apps...
I agree with SpamRabbit about the bottom one. The top one just looks plain awesome. Downloading now. Nice job
I honestly like the Stalker load-out the best, since IMO stealth is very important in any game. I like it also because its easier for me to get...
Oh wow Jet Grind Radio and Jet Set Radio Future were probably the most fun games I have ever played. They had the best soundtracks ever! Haha so...
I really like the lighting and the smoke effects! Nice job.
I really like your shading...There is a lot of depth in every sketch. I like your brain sketch the best, though :)